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Efficient Energy Management, finally standardized. ISO 50001 standard provides concrete steps, like step by step to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.


The energy management standard is divided into next steps:

1. Energy efficiency analysis.
Carry out energy audit of the cost of traffic to determine the current position and record energy costs.

2. Visualization and measurements.
Next important step in the development of efficient energy use visualization and measurement. Continuous monitoring of energy costs and creates a visualization of the possibility of system optimization and improvement.

3. Process optimization.
This is a real action or a process known as the "who, where, when" improving the energy efficiency of resources, the current time, the equipment and technological process.

4. Continuous process control.
Regular improved process control, allows to maintain the level of energy efficiency. Permanent control of the use of data collection and transmission equipment and software.

We offer a measurement system that will support the implementation of energy management standards, which comply with the ISO50001 standard and reduce energy costs.


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