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Fever screening systems

 duomenu diagramaViral epidemics like the current coronavirus (COVID-19) create a worldwide demand for fast and efficient infrared cameras able to screen for a fever condition in humans.

Our product portfolio comprises two infrared cameras dedicated to this application:

Xi 400 with T010 range (-20…100 °C)
PI 450i with T010 range (-20…100 °C)

The basis for the effectiveness of thermal cameras as a screening tool lies in the correlation of outside skin surface temperature with internal or core body temperature.




Individual fever screening with IR cameras

OPT graphic fever screening PI450iT010 O18 C 53ef85eb


  • Non-contact temperature measurement of individual persons
  • By measuring the temperature of the Medial canthus (tear duct)
  • Able to detect lower fever grades

Recommended devices for individual fever screening:

PI 450i T010 with 29° optics @ 1 m distance

PI 450i T010 with 18° optics @ 1.5...2 m distance




This method is mainly used at control gates or where crowd screening is not possible. From a closer distance you can measure exactly the temperature of the Medial canthus (tear duct) which provides the strongest correlation between outside skin temperature and core body temperature.

Crowd based screening



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  • Fast and efficient observation of a crowd of people
  • Identify individuals with fever symptoms
  • caused by diseases like coronavirus (COVID-19) or the flu

Recommended devices for crowd fever screening:

Xi 400 T010

PI 450i T010 with 29° or 53° optics ≥ 4 m distance

The IR camera is monitoring a crowd of people at once or sequential. Assuming that the majority of the measured maximum head temperature values are coming from healthy individuals the exceptions with an elevated body temperature can be easily detected.


The IR camera is monitoring a crowd of people at once or sequential. Assuming that the majority of the measured maximum head temperature values are coming from healthy individuals the exceptions with an elevated body temperature can be easily detected.

Absolute temperature measurement accuracy

Most infrared cameras with 8-14 μm spectral response are specified with an accuracy of +/- 2 °C or 2 % of the reading based on deployments in industrial environments in a wide variety of ambient conditions from 0 °C to 50 °C.

Many infrared cameras with microbolometer sensors are promoted today with accuracies of +/- 0.5 °C or better. These accuracies cannot be achieved without the use of a black body reference source. The source needs to be stable, have high emissivity and positioned in the scene proximate to the subject to be scanned.

Our BR 20AR ambient referencing source can be combined with our PI 450i T010. The black body is equipped with a 16 bit digital temperature sensor with +/- 0.1 °C accuracy. By integrating this highly accurate reference signal to our PIX Connect software, we can reduce camera uncertainties resulting from device adjustment, ambient temperature drift and short term stability down to a system accuracy of +/- 0.5 °C with a confidence interval of 95 %.

The real ability of an IR camera based screening system to detect subjects with fever lies more in the ability to discern which external face temperatures, as measured at the tear duct/ Medial canthus, are significantly higher than those in a given population exposed to similar ambient temperature conditions.

Key Features:

  • Screening of employees and visitors with elevated skin temperatures
  • Easy installation and operation of the inspection system
  • Alarm signal when skin temperature reaches predefi ned alarm value
  • Thermal Images of fever suspects can be stored automatically
  • Extensive software inclusive, runs on a standard PC