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Procesų monitoringas ir gedimų analizė

Norint užtikrinti sklandų gamybos procesų veikimą, būtina nuolatinis monitoringas. Procesų stebėjimas naudojant ProfiSignal reiškia mašinų, įrenginių ar ištisų gamybos linijų procesų stebėjimą, taip pat išsamią gedimų analizę, jei yra pastebimų duomenų, naudojant individualiai pritaikomą ir tikslią matavimo technologiją.

Procesų stebėjimas ir gedimų analizė: veiksmingos gedimų nustatymo ir šalinimo priemonės

Procesų stebėjimas ir gedimų analizė yra labai svarbios veiklos procesų optimizavimo priemonės. Nuolat stebint procesus galima anksti nustatyti galimus gedimus, kad būtų galima kuo greičiau imtis tinkamų gedimų šalinimo priemonių.

Procesų duomenys įrašomi ir stebimi dėl įvairių priežasčių. Jie suteikia svarbios informacijos apie išteklių ir energijos naudojimą, atskleidžia silpnąsias vietas ir galimą gedimų riziką, užtikrina ir dokumentuoja produkto kokybę bei sudaro pagrindą nuolatiniam proceso ir produkto optimizavimui. Jei užfiksuoti proceso duomenys rodo problemą ar gedimą, reikia atlikti gedimo analizę, kad būtų išsiaiškinta priežastis.

Tiek procesų stebėsenos, tiek gedimų analizės srityje turime ilgametę patirtį ir aukštą kompetenciją ieškant sprendimų. 

Gamybos procesų monitoringas ir duomenų įrašymas

Inobalt systems are trusted by customers. This is evident from the large number and range of different installations in which Inobalt products are being applied.

The examples reveal the different areas where Inobalt products are operational.

Inobalt can deliver diverse solutions through it s modular range of hardware and software. These systems provide transparent and cost-effective solutions.

Inobalt's system for process monitoring is being used in a range of medium-sized companies as well as in the chemicals industry.

Inobalt`s modular systems are based on devices that have a stand-alone capability. They can be connected to each other, and to third-party equipment, via in-house data networks.

The devices can perform a range of different tasks. In laboratories, for example, Inobalt products can be used to centrally control and monitor experiments. Users also have full control over the layout of their installations.

Message devices can function independently. In the event of data network failures, Message devices continue to function. Inobalt uses standard LAN connections rather than specialized BUS systems to save on the need for specialized cabling.

Products for process data acquisition


  • ProfiMessage: Hardware for data acquisition, monitoring and automation for systems with more than 30 channels (master-slave system).
  • LogMessage: Hardware for data acquisition, monitoring and automation for systems with less than 30 channels.
  • ProfiSignal Klicks: Measurement and automation software
  • Interfaces and drivers for a range of requirements including the integration of third-party equipment

Message devices are installed on-site and perform monitoring and storage of high-resolution data as stand-alone equipment. They are then able to transmit online and offline data to any PC. The ProfiSignal Klicks software is available for visualizing and analyzing decentralized process data, as well as for operating plant and machinery. This software enables users to easily generate their own applications. ProfiSignal Klicks can also be used for highly complex tasks. Its intuitive approach to operation rounds off a powerful PC-software package.

Benefits of Inobalt products


  • Decentralized, independent measurement data acquisition
  • Global access to measurement data via the internet
  • Global data acquisition, monitoring, and alarm functions
  • Cost savings through remote access to equipment
  • Transmission of data to a central PC/server
  • Any number of signals can be acquired
  • Easy installation and configuration of components
  • Online monitoring and offline analysis

Duomenų iš bus sistemų įrašymas

Field bus data archiving

Many sensors and actuators function as field buses, whether PPROFIBUS-DP, Modbus-RTU or Modbus-TCP, and use PLC or other control systems. If an error occurs, or if data is to be checked and stored, a suitable data logger is required.

Independent data storage directly within the hardware

Devices from the Message series enable independent data storage within the hardware itself without the need for PC-support. The in-built data storage capability (of up to 16 GB) can record up to 2 billion time-stamped data records.

In addition, field bus data, mV/mA signals and temperatures (Pt-sensors and thermocouples) can also be acquired and saved via direct connection to the Message devices.

The Message series as gateways

The data logger, with or without data storage capability, can also be used as a direct gateway. Field bus data is then fed directly into the ProfiSignal software via COM channels where it can be archived and analyzed at a central server or local PC using the Inobalt DataService. The data can also be fed into a network.

The ProfiSignal software provides comprehensive data analysis and visualisation and archiving functions.

Benefits of Inobalt products


  • Field bus Gateway–Modbus-RTU, Modbus-TCP, PROFIBUS-DP, CAN-Bus, RS232/483/422
  • Integrated data storage of up to 16GB/2 billion time-stamped data records
  • Independent data archiving without the need for PC-support
  • Decentralized or centralized data logging
  • Visualisation, analysis and archiving using the ProfiSignal software
  • Additional communication methods via OPC server/client, LabVIEW™, etc.
  • Field bus and process signalling in one system
  • Ideal for fault diagnostics, quality assurance and process optimization

Gedimų diagnostika


Fault analysis is becoming an increasing challenge for complex plant and machinery installations. High-resolution signals need to be recorded over long time periods, and the number of signals continues to rise. 


Basic data loggers are often incapable of processing extensive numbers or types of signal. The capacity and quality of data storage is vital as is the availability of trigger functions. 


Meeting user requirements


Message devices enable users to use a single unit to acquire digital and analog signals as well as data from bus systems such as Modbus-TCP/RTU or PROFIBUS-DP. PLC data or sensor data (from RTDs, thermocouples, pressure sensors, strain gauges, …) are saved directly to the device's internal data storage (up to 16 GB for ca. 2 billion time-stamped data records). Internal storage systems are partitionable and support trigger-based recording. The systems include variable pre and post-trigger times. 


Small, compact and powerful


The compact Message devices (W 200 x H 73 x D 118 mm) are crammed with fault analysis technology. Virtual channels are used to generate alarms, enter computations, monitor threshold values and logic functions directly within the hardware. The compact design makes it ideal as a fixed or temporary cabinet installation. 


Mobile service systems


Robust case systems are available as mobile fault diagnostic systems. These contain contain Message devices along with equipment such as power adapters, filters, amplifiers, UMTS modems or voltage dividers. Connections are externally accessible: 4mm safety lab plugs, spring clamps and screw terminals according to user requirements. 


The mobile measurement case is designed with lid-based cable-feeds and can therefore be used when closed. The cases can be secured with a locking system for long-term deployments. 


Online or offline data transfer


Data stored in the device can be evaluated at a laptop or PC workstation using the ProfiSignal software. Remote online monitoring as well as triggered and manual memory read-outs are possible via a network (internet/intranet/UMTS connection). 


Direct link to alarm lists and trend analysis deliver high-resolution fault diagnostics


Using existing online pathways, the ProfiSignal AlarmManagement issues alarms to the appropriate personnel via email, fax or text messaging. 


Fault data acquisition enables an alarm or malfunction to be immediately analysed. Clicking an alarm list entry automatically opens a trend diagram showing the fault data for the relevant signals. Pre and post-trigger times for fault events can be set according to user requirements. Fault events can be portrayed using high-resolution data and at millisecond precision for both online and archived data. 


Fault diagnostics

Fault analysis is becoming an increasing challenge for complex plant and machinery installations. High-resolution signals need to be recorded over long time periods, and the number of signals continues to rise.

Basic data loggers are often incapable of processing extensive numbers or types of signal. The capacity and quality of data storage is vital as is the availability of trigger functions.

Meeting user requirements

Message devices enable users to use a single unit to acquire digital and analog signals as well as data from bus systems such as Modbus-TCP/RTU or PROFIBUS-DP. PLC data or sensor data (from RTDs, thermocouples, pressure sensors, strain gauges, …) are saved directly to the device's internal data storage (up to 16 GB for ca. 2 billion time-stamped data records). Internal storage systems are partitionable and support trigger-based recording. The systems include variable pre and post-trigger times.

Small, compact and powerful

The compact Message devices (W 200 x H 73 x D 118 mm) are crammed with fault analysis technology. Virtual channels are used to generate alarms, enter computations, monitor threshold values and logic functions directly within the hardware. The compact design makes it ideal as a fixed or temporary cabinet installation.

Mobile service systems

Robust case systems are available as mobile fault diagnostic systems. These contain contain Message devices along with equipment such as power adapters, filters, amplifiers, UMTS modems or voltage dividers. Connections are externally accessible: 4mm safety lab plugs, spring clamps and screw terminals according to user requirements.

The mobile measurement case is designed with lid-based cable-feeds and can therefore be used when closed. The cases can be secured with a locking system for long-term deployments.

Online or offline data transfer

Data stored in the device can be evaluated at a laptop or PC workstation using the ProfiSignal software. Remote online monitoring as well as triggered and manual memory read-outs are possible via a network (internet/intranet/UMTS connection).

Direct link to alarm lists and trend analysis deliver high-resolution fault diagnostics

Using existing online pathways, the ProfiSignal AlarmManagement issues alarms to the appropriate personnel via email, fax or text messaging.

Fault data acquisition enables an alarm or malfunction to be immediately analysed. Clicking an alarm list entry automatically opens a trend diagram showing the fault data for the relevant signals. Pre and post-trigger times for fault events can be set according to user requirements. Fault events can be portrayed using high-resolution data and at millisecond precision for both online and archived data. 

Monitoringas ir aliarmų valdymas

Objectives of alarm management systems

The objective for installing an alarm system is to improve security for the installation/facility and its personnel. In addition to security, other benefits are available to operators through the alarm management system. Alarm management also enables continuous improvement. Higher machine availability, better product quality and increased output can be achieved.

Avoiding alarm overload

Alarm overload can occur when the frequency of alarm events dramatically increases. This may happen when upgrading plant or when efficiency settings are over-ambitious. Key performance indicators (KPI) should be measurable and realistic for all areas. A growing reliance on system intelligence is emerging which is capable of delivering a mass of alarms, notifications and diagnostic data. To prevent alarm overload and to deliver the best possible flexibility, ProfiSignal and the AlarmManagement option provide a basic system of rules based on alarm priorities and classes

Basic rules system

The ProfiSignal alarm management system provides easy to configure alarm rules for assigning alarm priorities and classes. An alarm rule can incorporate a confirmation system, i.e. the alarm then remains displayed in the alarm table until confirmed by an authorized person. An alarm rule can be linked to events, e.g. threshold violations. Users can quickly generate notification comments while creating the rule within the DataService.

Notification and actions

Incoming alarms are not only displayed in table format – different types of table in different types of visualisation views can be assigned with different types of alarm class. Alarms can for example appear as pop-ups or as signal lamps, with notification being sent via text messaging, email or fax. In addition to the sending of notifications, the alarm management system can also activate actuators that automatically switch digital or analog outputs, e.g. to activate a siren or to close / open a valve.

Statistical evaluation

An alarm trend diagram is available to users for alarm analysis and statistical evaluation purposes. The diagram portrays all the data and messages associated with the alarm event, and a mouse click immediately displays pre and post history. Evaluation data is fed into a channel(s) that has/have been configured by the user.

Benefits of Inobalt products


  • Simple and intuitive configuration of rules
  • Structuring according to categories and priorities
  • Diverse filtering functions
  • Continuous recording of alarms in a database
  • Access to archived data by mouse clicking

Monitoringas per nuotolį

Process monitoring via remote data transfer

Processes and their control and data acquisition systems are usually spread across several sites. These sites are not always connected to dedicated networks for data acquisition and transfer. Increasingly, however, UMTS networks are available from mobile communication providers who now offer bandwidths and accessibility to enable online monitoring.

TCP/IP-based communication enables problem-free access per internet via traditional or UMTS/HSDPA connections.

Fast access via UMTS and HSDPA

Inobalt products support UMTS and HSDPA systems which enable a continuous online transfer of process data. Automatic switching to EDGE or GSM takes place in locations with insufficient connectivity.

A VPN tunnel is generated via internet connections which enable users to securely communicate with Message and Expert devices as if they were directly connected .

Process data acquisition despite firewalls and security systems

Using a UMTS/HSDPA router system has clear benefits.

The IT security systems in many organizations prevent VPN tunnels or third-party access. Such obstacles are, however, no problem to systems of mobile process data acquisition. Such systems can access process data at any time from device memories, or establish connections for online monitoring.

These systems are, furthermore, independent of any third-party software or network infrastructure. Mobile access per laptop is of course also possible.

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 / Švarių patalpų monitoringas

Secure and tamper-proof data storage

One requirement of manufacturing, but also increasingly of R&D and pharmaceuticals, is data acquisition and documentation that is continuous and tamper-proof. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have drawn up a regulation (FDA 21 CFR Part 11) to ensure the adherence to process data limits, such as temperatures, that are based on GAMP/GMP-guidelines. The regulation also requires that this data, and limit violations, are securely recorded and are tamper-proof.

An audit trail is further required to log any events that affect processes.

Alarms and user management

Alarm systems must exist which are capable of notifying authorized persons (email, fax, text messaging) and of triggering, when necessary, pre-defined procedures.

An advanced system of user management is likewise necessary so that only the authorized person is able to confirm the alarm. Such a system should function according to user groups of different users and rights. GAMP/GMP guidelines require alarms to be confirmed with comments.

Checking for long-term stability

For example, pharmaceuticals are stored in cold rooms and deep freezers during testing for their long-term stability. The secure and tamper-proof recording of temperatures is just one requirement. Another is a system of alarms for temperature under/overruns along with the input of comments by an authorized person, password-protected login, and automatic documentation for cold room malfunctions or interventions.

Secure measurement data acquisition occurs within a data server and redundant data acquisition within the hardware device. This guarantees continuous data recording even in the event of a network or server failure.

Single package solutions

The Expert and Message series, the ProfiSignal software, and the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 option provides users with a complete package for data acquisition, process control, reporting, user management and alarm management. Inobalt products also deliver the information required for validation, IQ (installation qualification) and OQ (operational qualification).